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Radon Testing Services Iowa City, Cedar Rapids and the Corridor

How does Radon enter the home?


Air pressure inside your house is usually lower than the pressure in the soil around your homes foundation. Because of this difference in pressure, your house acts like a vacuum, drawing Radon in through the foundations cracks and other openings. Your home then traps the Radon inside, where it can build up.

Why is Radon Dangerous?


Radon is a cancer-causing radioactive gas. You cannot see, smell or taste Radon, but it may be a problem in your home. The Surgeon General has warned that Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today



  • Less than 2.0 pCi/L – Consider performing a long-term test

  • 2.0 to 10.0 pCi/L – Perform long-term test

  • Greater than 10.0 pCi/L – Perform a second short-term test


  • Less than 8.0 pCi/L – Perform long-term test

  • Mitigation strongly recommended if first test result was also 4.0 pCi/L or greater


What is Radon?


Radon is a radioactive gas that has been found in homes all over the United States. It comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rocks and water and gets into the air you breathe. Radon typically moves up through the ground to the air above and into your home through cracks and other holes in the foundation.

How long does it take to get results of a Radon test?


A short term test remains in your home for 2 days to 90 days. All Radon tests should be taken for a minimum of 48 hours.

Sun Nuclear 1028
Radon Monitor
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